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National third generation semiconductor technology innovation center approved

National third generation semiconductor technology innovation center approved

2021-04-1617:3251 [editor: Andy GUI]

Recently, the national biopharmaceutical technology innovation center and the national third generation semiconductor technology innovation center both landed. The Suzhou nano new material cluster with Suzhou Industrial Park as the core was successfully selected into the first batch of national advanced manufacturing clusters. The national new generation artificial intelligence innovation and development pilot zone with Suzhou Industrial Park as the core pilot zone was supported by the reply from the Ministry of science and technology.

Suzhou Industrial Park is the first area in China to take the application of nanotechnology as a strategic emerging industry, and it is also one of the eight nano industrial clusters in the world. In recent years, the park has focused on the development of third-generation semiconductors, nano biomaterials, nano functional materials and other materials.

It is reported that the Ministry of science and technology replied to support the construction of the national third generation semiconductor technology innovation center in the park. The center is jointly supported by Jiangsu provincial government and Shenzhen municipal government. Among them, Jiangsu platform takes Jiangsu third generation semiconductor Research Institute located in Suzhou Industrial Park as the construction and Implementation unit.

Photo source: paixin genuine Gallery

In 2020, the total output value of the three strategic emerging industries of biomedicine, nanotechnology application and artificial intelligence in Suzhou Industrial Park increased by 22.9%, especially the application of biomedicine and nanotechnology broke the 100 billion mark for the first time.At present, the park has gathered 172 national major talents and engineering talents, 15 "national team" scientific research institutes, 32 national incubation carriers and nano vacuum interconnection test stations, which have been included in the provincial major scientific and technological innovation platform project library for key cultivation.A number of "innovative drugs" have been approved for listing, and 174.4 effective invention patents for 10000 people, 4.8 times the provincial level and 2.5 times the city level. Enterprises listed on the science and Innovation Board account for 1 / 2 of the city, 1 / 4 of the province and nearly 5% of the country (source: compound semiconductor market)

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