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High efficiency and high brightness non lead warm white metal halide LED is realized for the first time in China

High efficiency and high brightness non lead warm white metal halide LED is realized for the first time in China

2021-03-2208:5241 [editor: MIA Huang]

The commercial application of high-efficiency white perovskite LED is still an urgent problem to be solved.

Generally, white light can be obtained by broadband emission of non lead double perovskite or copper based halide. However, the reported materials are difficult to achieve high fluorescence luminous efficiency and high electrical performance at the same time, resulting in low luminous efficiency and brightness of LED devices.

Photo source: paixin genuine Gallery

It lays a foundation for the commercialization of perovskite led.

This important research achievement was recently published in the academic journal Nature communication. Doctoral students Chen Hong, Zhu Lin and Xue Chen are the co first authors of the paper. This work expands the system of non lead metal halide materials and is of great significance to realize high-performance non lead metal halide optoelectronic devices. (source: People's daily)

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