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UVC Household sterilization

The dose of ultraviolet radiation plays an important role in the sterilization process. Under the condition of sufficient UV dose, the inactivated virus and bacteria will not revive.
According to the wavelength, ultraviolet (UV) light is usually divided into UVA (315nm-400nm), UVB (280nm-315nm), UVC (200nm-280nm). UVC band is also called "solar blind" band. Due to the strong absorption of ozone in the atmosphere, there is almost no ultraviolet light in the near earth solar spectrum. The main application of UVC mainly includes disinfection / purification of water / air / surface, short wavelength and high energy of UVC band, destroying the molecular structure of microbial organism (bacteria, viruses and other pathogens) cells in a short time, and preventing the reproduction of microorganisms by destroying their DNA and RNA, which can achieve efficient and rapid broad-spectrum sterilization effect, so as to sterilize water, air and object surface, and make the cells grow faster It can not be regenerated, so it is widely used in disinfection of water and air.

The data show that most of the bacteria can be killed almost 100% in one second under the UVC irradiation intensity of 30MW / cm2, and the effect is very significant, which can be widely used in the field of medical and health care. In the field of personal health and family hygiene, ultraviolet light can be used for disinfection of water cups, bowls and chopsticks, air purification and sterilization, killing insects, sterilization and deodorization of shoes and socks, disinfection of baby bottles, etc.
According to the different kinds of microorganisms, the time and dose of UV sterilization are also different. Different kinds of bacteria have different UV absorption peaks. For example, the maximum absorption wavelengths of DNA and E. coli were 265nm, while the maximum absorption wavelengths of Cryptosporidium and bacteriophage were 261nm and 271nm, respectively. Therefore, the sterilization time should be different. When the UV radiation intensity is 3 × 104 μ w / cm2, the time required to kill virus and bacteria, mold spores and algae bacteria is 0.1-1.0s, 1.0-8.0s and 5.0-40.0s respectively. According to the research team of Dong Xiaoping, an expert from the Institute for viral disease control and prevention of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and prevention, UVC with an intensity greater than 90 μ w / cm2 can kill SARS virus in 30 minutes. The dose of ultraviolet radiation plays an important role in the sterilization process. UV dose can be expressed as the product of UV intensity and irradiation time. Under the condition of sufficient UV dose, the inactivated virus and bacteria will not revive. When the UV dose is the same, high intensity, short time or low intensity, long time irradiation can be used to achieve the purpose of sterilization. The UV dose needed to kill 1 × 104 spirobacteria / ml was about 30 MJ / cm2, while the UV dose needed to kill the same number of spores was about 70 MJ / cm2.

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