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Outdoor LED display incarnate

Xiaoxiang Morning Post

Fire prevention publicity first

In order to do a good job of fire safety publicity, further expand the coverage of fire safety knowledge publicity, widely popularize the fire safety knowledge, based on the new situation and new tasks faced by the current fire protection work, adhere to the principle of "fire prevention work, publicity first", Yangquan fire rescue detachment uses the outdoor LED display screen of social units to play the fire safety knowledge, and actively create a good fire safety environment in the society The whole environment.

Fire rescue brigade in mining area

The propagandists of the brigade actively contact the hotels, hotels, entertainment places, Internet cafes and other units with LED display screen in the area under their jurisdiction, start from the close to the daily life of the masses, and make full use of the advantages of LED display screen in high frequency, multi period and all-round publicity.

By explaining the importance of fire safety to the person in charge of the unit under the jurisdiction, the person in charge of each unit realized the importance of fire safety publicity and got the active cooperation of each unit. The LED electronic display screen of each unit played the fire safety knowledge, laws and regulations, standard language and other contents all day, so that the people in the past could learn the fire safety knowledge more directly, The coverage and influence of fire prevention publicity and education were expanded, and the awareness rate of fire safety knowledge of the people in the jurisdiction was effectively improved.

Urban Fire Rescue Brigade

This intuitive, simple form of publicity not only let more people pay attention to fire safety, but also further enhance the awareness of fire safety and fire legal concept, forming a strong publicity offensive of "everyone participates in fire control, everyone pays attention to fire control"!

                                                                                      [source: Yangquan Fire Protection Bureau]

                                                                                      Author: Xiaoxiang Morning Post

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Contact: aaron

Phone: 13670231461

Tel: 13908061471

Email: jx.led@qq.com

Add: No. 1, Dayang Second Road, Yulu community, Yutang street, Guangming District, Shenzhen, Guangdong

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