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How does the 100 billion intelligent lamp pole market land? More and more development plans

Smart light poles have become the direct beneficiaries of 5g new infrastructure wave.
Since the "new infrastructure" was highlighted in the two sessions, smart light poles have sprung up. In particular, with the acceleration of 5g base station construction in all parts of the country, many regions are actively laying out smart light pole projects.
According to the work plan for the construction and management of smart light poles in Guangzhou, by 2025, about 80000 smart light poles will be built in the city, including about 42000 in the central area, providing about 32000 5g micro station sites, providing the site resources needed to ensure the deep coverage of 5g network in the central area.
According to the outline of 5g industry development plan of Hangzhou City, 120000 street light poles in Hangzhou city will be transformed into intelligent light poles with multiple functions in 2020, which not only has the basic lighting function, but also realizes the functions of 5g base station, WiFi coverage, environmental monitoring, video monitoring, etc.
Shenzhen clearly proposes to promote the construction of multi-function poles on a large scale while carrying out 5g construction, so as to provide new site resources for 5g base stations. At present, 2450 multi-functional poles have been built in Shenzhen, and 4500 multi-functional intelligent poles will be built throughout the year to realize the integration of urban pipeline resources.

According to Huizhou smart pole special planning, Huizhou will plan to build 8934 smart poles in the next three years, including 7568 smart poles for basic configuration and 1366 smart poles for multi-functional configuration.
According to the work objectives of the implementation plan for the planning and construction of 5g infrastructure in Qingdao in 2020, by the end of 2020, 13000 5g base stations will be built in the city, and 15000 will be built. Six tasks have been formulated, including speeding up the planning, standardizing the construction mode, improving the administrative examination and approval, multi pole integration pilot, promoting demonstration application, and strengthening science popularization.
How big is the scale of smart light pole?
Relevant data show that from 2014 to 2018, the penetration rate of smart light poles in new urban lighting street lamps increases from 0.0022% to 0.0475%. It is estimated that the total number of smart light poles will reach 50700 and 150700 in 2020 and 2021. Based on the average price of 20000 smart light poles, the total potential market space will reach 547.6 billion yuan.
With the outbreak of novel coronavirus pneumonia, the new generation of information infrastructure represented by smart poles has played a significant role in the prevention and control of epidemic diseases, and has added a new light to the smart pole market.
Some people in the industry said, "in the face of the sudden epidemic, the smart light pole plays its own light and heat."
Song Hongwei, chairman of Fangda intelligent control, also pointed out that "intelligent light poles can carry out epidemic prevention and control propaganda, human body temperature measurement, face recognition, emergency broadcasting, video monitoring, one click alarm and help seeking, environmental monitoring, etc. through the information management command center, these data can realize 24-hour automatic monitoring of urban infrastructure, and assign responsibilities to functional departments 。”
The government's strong promotion, coupled with the demand for epidemic prevention and control, makes the application of smart light pole "landing" further.
It is worth noting that although the development of smart light pole industry is in full swing at present, it has not really achieved scale landing. The main reasons are: lack of innovative and complete system construction method, relatively high cost, lack of professional talents, unclear business model, unclear profit situation, etc.
Among them, standards, as an important part of the Internet of things, is also the top priority to do a good job in the smart lamp industry. Therefore, it is urgent to build a platform for the development of intelligent lamp pole ecological industry and encourage and promote industrial application and standardization.
A few days ago, Zhongshan established the intelligent light pole Industry Federation. Du Jifang, President of the Federation, proposed that the Federation would build a professional communication platform to provide a professional service platform for the government, enterprises and industries in promoting the standards and planning of the intelligent light pole work, and boost the transformation and upgrading of Zhongshan's traditional industries.
Shandong Province has established 5g industry alliance and smart light pole alliance in Jinan, which will focus on the deep integration of 5g and new smart city construction, build cooperation promotion platform, gather industry backbone, and promote the comprehensive sharing of new infrastructure represented by 5g, artificial intelligence, industrial Internet and Internet of things.
Hangzhou, Qingdao and other cities have also stepped into the forefront of standard formulation, and issued standards and specifications such as "Hangzhou urban road bar and logo integrated design guidelines (Trial)", "Qingdao urban road bar and box integrated technical guidelines (Trial)".
Shenzhen Bureau of industry and information technology has also launched the formulation of standards and specifications related to the design and engineering construction of multi-functional pole intelligent system. After more than two years of investigation, preparation, solicitation of opinions, expert review, release and trial, and then revision, solicitation of opinions, expert review, it has basically taken shape.
In addition to the relevant standards issued by the above regions, the recently published national standard "General requirements for smart city intelligent multi-function pole system" also mentioned that the following problems will be solved:
(1) City level intelligent multi-function bar system industry cognition is not unified, lack of standards;
(2) It is difficult to load different information equipment and accessories, and it is difficult to interconnect information equipment;
(3) The problems of low effective utilization rate of resources, repeated investment and high maintenance cost in later period.
The formulation of the standard can effectively standardize the overall technical requirements of the city level intelligent multi-function bar system, and also provide technical reference for the planning, design, construction and operation and maintenance of the intelligent multi-function bar system in various places.
To promote the rapid implementation of smart light poles on a large scale, we need to form a healthy ecological structure and a good business model while formulating relevant standards.
According to the data, EPC, BOT and Boo are mainly adopted in the world. EPC is invested and operated by the government, BOT is built and operated by social capital entrusted by the government, and Boo is invested and operated by enterprises.
At present, our country is still in the pilot stage, we need to continue to practice and summarize, as soon as possible to form a sustainable business model of 5g smart light pole.



Contact: aaron

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